CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallCity of Brownwood officials released the following information regarding city ordinances pertaining to political signs.

During this year’s Campaign and Election time, The City of Brownwood would like to make everyone aware of the City’s restrictions relative to the placement of political signs as listed in the Sign Ordinance, Chapter 90 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Brownwood.

  • In no instance shall a sign extend into the right-of-way of any State or City maintained street or highway. In the past there has been numerous violations of political signs being placed in the right-of-ways. Typically, the City or State ROW is at least ten feet behind the curb.
  • No pole, post or standard used to support any sign shall be set in or upon any sidewalk, street or other public property.
  • Freestanding signs shall maintain a setback of ten feet from the curb line or zero feet from the property line, whichever is greater.
  • Candidates should get permission from the property owner before placing any signs.
  • Do not attach signs to any utility, traffic sign, or signal poles. Size of signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet each in residential districts.

CAUTION: Before driving a T-post, check for buried utilities or sprinkler systems. Contact 1- 800-DIG-TESS for any hole or excavation sixteen (16) inches or greater in depth.

Remember to consider the safety of the motorist and Keep Brownwood Beautiful by picking up your signs after the election. Signs shall be removed from all zoning districts within seven days following an election.