The City of Brownwood will have new FEMA floodplain maps on display at City Hall during an informal, come-and-go meeting on Monday, January 14th from 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM.
“Please encourage Realtors, representatives from lending institutions, and insurance companies to stop by the City Hall Council Chambers next Monday from 1:30 to 4:30 to view the new proposed FEMA floodplain maps,” said Brownwood City Manager Bobby Rountree. “Residents are also invited, especially those who live near creeks and bayous.”
FEMA recently updated floodplain maps for Brownwood and final approval of the maps will commence in 90 days, according to Rountree. Businesses and homeowners who were previously out of the 100-year floodplain area may find themselves included with these revised maps.
Rountree said that once the maps get final approval in 90 days, flood insurance could increase exponentially, possibly 5-6 times the current rates. The city encourages businesses and homeowners to view the maps during this time, and if needed, purchase flood insurance before the rates increase.
City officials and staff will be on hand during the meeting to answer questions.