The City of Brownwood Street Department began resurfacing of Anderson and Lee Streets from Main to Carnegie on Monday.
According to City of Brownwood Officials, the project will proceed as follows:
1. Applying one course chip seal consisting of emulsified asphalt with aggregate placed over it and rolled down.
2. Over the next few days, any excess or loose aggregate will be swept up and hauled away with street sweepers.
3. Once the chip seal process is complete and has been swept of loose aggregate, the following week a private contractor will be placing a 1-inch hot mix overlay for the final surface.
4. Once the contractor has completed the hot mix overlay, city crews will return to replace and update any pavement markings needed or previously removed.
Sections of the street will be temporarily closed to thru traffic on occasions. Please do not park on the street between 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please remove any non-operation vehicles from the street; or they will be towed at owner’s expense. The City of Brownwood will be working on several blocks during this same period of time. Please be patient, city crews will not be working in front of your property every day.
Once work begins, the City of Brownwood hopes to complete this street in a few weeks unless significant delays are encountered, such as equipment failures or bad weather.Please refrain from excessive watering (where water runs out of your yard) during this period.
For safety purposes, avoid driving through the construction area when possible. Please keep children out of the construction area, away from the equipment and trucks.
Citizens’ cooperation will help expedite this project with a minimum of inconvenience to all concerned. Those with questions relative to this construction may contact Casey Barker, Street Superintendent at 325-646-6000 or Tim Airheart, Assistant City Manager at 325-646-5775.