CamarilloJeorgeBangsPDThe city of Bangs officially hired a new Chief of Police Monday after months of searching.  Bangs Police Officer Jorge Camarillo was determined to be the top candidate for the job.

Two months ago, Camarillo joined the department as a patrol officer and later decided to apply for the position of Chief of Police.

The position was narrowed down from approximately 70 applicants to five finalists during the months of careful consideration before Camarillo’s selection.  The Bangs City Council confirmed the search committee’s recommendation to promote Camarillo to Chief of Police at Monday night’s meeting.

Camarillo brings with him over 20 years experience as an officer in the Austin area.  He stated that there is some adjustment that comes with working in a rural community compared to a big city.

“There were certain things that I had not done in a while and I’m having to do that here, as well as investigate the crimes that we do run across…Here, you do it all,” Camarillo said.

Camarillo’s promotion leaves the city of Bangs with just one more patrol officer position to fill. A comforting change after losing almost its entire staff a few months ago.

Photo contributed.