Bangs last full-time police officer Andre Smoot put in his last day on the job Wednesday of last week. Smoot began working for the Early Police Department as a patrol officer beginning Friday, which is when two new officers began working in Bangs according to Mayor Eric Bishop.

Bishop stated that he’s hired one full time officer, Jorge Camarillo, who is a master peace officer with 17 years of law enforcement experience with the Texas Parks and Wildlife, Travis and Williamson Counties.  He is originally from Brady, Texas.

A part time officer, Michael Isbell has also been hired.  Bishop stated, “Mike is a good fit for us.   He has experience and integrity.  He also lives just on the edge of town.”  Bishop stated that Isbell will work a lot of hours as a part time officer in the interim until Bangs is able to hire a second fulltime officer.  There were other good candidates that have applied, including 3-4 that have surfaced and will be considered for the position, according to Bishop.

“We never missed a beat. The Sheriff’s Office will continue to help us,” said Bishop.  “I think the streets of Bangs will have as much patrol as we have had in the last two years.  Our philosophy and direction is to protect the community.”

Bishop said there are about 60 applicants for the Bangs Police Chief’s Job, and they are going through the screening process right now to cull that number down to the top 5 or 6. The mayor said that there are some “very promising” prospects.

After the elimination process, they will begin the interview process. Mayor Bishop said it could be January 1st before Bangs brings in a new Police Chief, and that’s because they are being very careful and very selective. Bishop said the turnaround in the Police Department has to come to a stop. Until the new chief is named however, Bangs Police officers will answer to the Mayor who will be acting as the Police Chief in the interim, Bishop said.