TransportationMuseumSmThe Brownwood City Council will consider authorizing the construction of a new mini-railroad attraction at the Martin & Frances Lehnis Railroad Museum to be built later this year.  The proposal will be looked at on Tuesday by council members.

If approved, the new 7 ½ gauge mini-railroad will include five cars and will be capable of carrying up to three passengers on each car.  The goal is to have the project completed and in operation in time for this year’s Brownwood Reunion Celebration.  The new mini-railroad will be operated by volunteers.

Once operational, the recommended price per ride will be $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for kids.  Fees for parties will also be established.

Phase I of the project consist of:

-constructing a train track in the shape of a figure eight (1274’) on the existing concrete slab east of the train museum.
-purchase and install a 20’x50’ train shed with roll-up doors to serve as a tunnel and storage for the trains and provide utilities to the shed.
-construct fencing, an ADA track loading platform with an awning and deck, and an ADA sidewalk.
-install benches, tables, signage, and historic rail signals along the track.

Phase II of the project will be the installation of a small playground with a train theme.

In 2002, the City Council authorized issuance of a $2 million Certificate of Obligation to be used for various community development programs including restoring the railroad collection at the Martin & Frances Lehnis Railroad Museum.   There is $83,344 remaining for this use according to a council briefing sheet.  Officials say that they will be under pressure to spend these funds before 2012 as bond rating agencies frown on the existence of unspent funds more than ten years old.  The proposed amount to be spent on the mini-train project is $59,645.