
The Brownwood City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to name city facilities in honor of former Mayor Bert V. Massey II, former Councilman Darrell E. Haynes and former Councilman Dave Fair.

Properties that are named in honor these men are:

  • The Camp Bowie Sports Complex-Bert V. Massey II Sports Complex.
  • City Hall downstairs conference room-Darrell E. Haynes Conference Room.
  • Emergency Operation Center (EOC) in the Law Enforcement Center-Dave Fair Emergency Operation Center.

Having a combined tenure of 90 years, these three former city leaders have left what Brownwood City Manager Bobby Rountree called “a big hole in our organization”.

Massey served as councilman from April 1, 1975 until April 6, 1984 when he became mayor and served from April 7, 1984 until May 11, 2010.

Haynes served as councilman from May 22, 1979 until May 11, 2010.

Fair served as councilman from April 8, 1986 until May 11, 2010.

“It is certainly deserving to have facilities named after them,” stated Rountree.

Rountree went on to mention achievements and improvements that have been completed during the terms of Massey, Haynes and Fair:  Construction of roads and overpasses so that citizens do not have to wait for trains to pass by; renovation of the Depot and Cultural Center, Center Park, the Animal Shelter; Harvey House and Depot Plaza; building of the Law Enforcement Center; improvements at the airport; relocation of City Hall, opening of TSTC and the Havins Unit; and the development of the Brownwood Economic Development Corporation, to name a few.

A resolution in 2001 was passed encouraging the council to name city facilities and parks after former mayors and councilmen.   Massey recalled jokingly about this usually happening after the honorees were deceased.   The naming of properties after Massey, Haynes and Fair will be different in that they and their families can experience this while they are living and able to enjoy the honor.

Massey, Haynes and Fair all commented after the council took a vote on the measure.

“I think we all could have found different places to live, but we are here by choice,” said Fair.  “Emergency management has been a passion of mine.  It is an honor, it has been an honor to work in this community and to serve here, and it will always be an honor.”

“Brownwood is the best place to live and I hope I never have to leave until the good Lord calls me home,” stated Haynes.

“Having the privilege to serve as councilman and then mayor, it’s not anything I did to deserve it but the work of the good Lord,” stated Massey.   “Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart.”

There will be dedication ceremonies for the park, conference room and emergency operation center sometime after the first of the year.

Top Photo: Former Mayor Bert Massey addresses the Brownwood City Council.


Former City Councilman Dave Fair


Former City Councilman Darrell Haynes