CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallThe Bert V. Massey Sports Complex continues to progress toward completion with the Brownwood City Council’s unanimous approval to purchase two playgrounds at Tuesday’s council meeting.

The Parks and Advisory Board reviewed 15 playground proposals from 5 different companies based on the following requirements:

*Design to be primarily for children ages 2-5 with handicapped accessibility.

*Use of different playground proposals at each location so children will have a variety of different items and play capacity.

*Parks employees reviewed each design, spacing requirements and warranty.

*Parks & Recreation employees will install weed barrier & wood fiber playing surface.

The bids were awarded to Total Recreation Products at a cost of $19,441.88 with purchase through U. S. Communities and to Noah’s Park & Playgrounds in the amount of $12,962.38 with purchase through BuyBoard.

The bid amounts include installation, which will help the city with liability, warranties and allow city crews more time to complete other projects such as the outfield fencing.

City Manager Bobby Rountree reported that this week’s rain should help the grass that city crews recently planted. 

In another matter in the Parks Report, Rountree also mentioned a leak that has been found in the Aquatic Center swimming pool.  According to Rountree, a pipe may have separated as gravel was recently found in the filter of the pool.  Repair crews are coming out soon to run a camera to find the location of the leak so that this can be repaired.