jones2011Members of Southside Church came together to help fellow church members Casey and Jamie Jones find temporary housing after they recently lost their home to a fire.

Church members worked this last week freshening up and painting a home that the church owns to give the Jones’ a comfortable place to live while they get back on their feet.  Volunteers also used donations given on behalf of the Jones’ to purchase new furniture, clothes, and household items to replace some of the family’s loss.

Church members greeted the Jones family on Tuesday at the home located on 2nd Street near the church to welcome them to the house.

The Jones family’s home on 1st Street burned last week in a pair of fires, leaving the family without a place to live.  Southside Church stepped in and accepted donations from the community for the family of seven to help them during this difficult time.

Top Photo: The Jones family getting a first look at the house

Bottom Photo: Friends and church members await the Jones family’s arrival.
