Heart of Texas Christian Women’s Job Corp’s (CWJC) Annual Fund Raising SUPER BUNCO TOURNAMENT is coming to the Early First United Methodist Church on Thursday, January 27, 2011!
The Popcorn Bar and Potato Bar will be open and free to all participants. There will be drinks and PRIZES GALORE!
Tickets can be reserved by calling CWJC at 325 643-1788, Monday through Thursday between 9 am and 3 pm. Tickets are still only $15.00. Your ticket gives you all the food , drink and fun you can have during one great evening.
The proceeds from SUPER BUNCO will help Christian Women’s Job Corp be able to “Care, Guide and Educate women in Brown County in a Christian Environment”. Each year, Christian Women’s Job Corp trains and teaches more than thirty women in all types of skills needed to help the women get into the career world. Classes are in Bible study, computer skills, understanding everyday finances, writing skills, resume skills and job interview skills.
Please email and invite all of your friends and associates at work and church. Bunco groups are always big supporters of SUPER BUNCO and we are counting on your bunco group this year. SUPER BUNCO is an annual event and the only fundraiser for Christian Women’s Job Corp.
Reserve your tickets now by calling 325-649-1788.