The Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex Christ Way Drama team will be performing a dinner theater on Saturday, November 5th entitled “You’re My Mother?”  The play features Ms. Vera Rich, who is leaving a great inheritance to her only child, if only she could determine who that child is.

The interactive play will allow the audience to try and figure out who the mysterious child is and how much will be left as an inheritance.  In addition to the performance, the evening will consist of a seated dinner, raffle, and silent auction.  Proceeds from the evening will benefit the Ron Jackson Community Advisory Council.


Ticket prices are $10 for students, $15 for general seating, and $25 for VIP seating.  Tickets must be purchased in advance and can be reserved by contacting Penny Riggs at 325-641-4240.  The silent auction will open at 5:30 p.m. and the performance will begin at 6:00 p.m.