chrisyountsChris Younts, 11th District Republican Congressional candidate, will be speaking Monday, March 12th at the Adams Street Community Center, 511 E. Adams St., Brownwood, TX 76801, 6:30 PM. Meet and greet starting at 6:00.

“Being one of the most con­ser­v­a­tive dis­tricts in our nation, the Texas 11th Con­gres­sional District must be lead­ing the charge in reining in the out of control spending in our nation’s Capitol. That is sim­ply not the case with our cur­rent representation. If we are to succeed at positively turning our nation around, we must have productive leadership that will lead the fight to restore fiscal sanity in Washington.”

Citing the debt limit increases, the TARP bailout, and Mr. Conaway’s demonstrable lack of legislative successes, Younts added, “This is not at all the message the voters sent in November 2010. We can no longer afford to invest in sta­tus quo or go-along to get-along Repub­li­can representation.”

Mr. Younts will be discussing his platform to address the challenges our nation faces followed by a question and answer session.