Mabray2014Cheryll Mabray, Judge of the Child Protection Court of the Hill Country, attended programs this summer in pursuit of the best interests of local abused and neglected children.  The Texas Center for the Judiciary hosted “Child Welfare Conference”, a judicial education conference dedicated to providing specialized training of Texas judges who hear child protection cases.  The training presented research and information on current issues on child welfare, provided tools and resources for use in the courtroom, all needed to improve outcomes for children, youth and families served by the court system.

To ensure that the educational rights of children are protected, Judge Mabray attended “Special Education – Child Welfare and the Juvenile Justice System” course.  Topics to aid these children included, A.B.Cs of Special Education Law, Education Advocacy and Working with Youth with Mental Disabilities.

Judge Mabray participated in the largest training in Texas for attorneys and judges.  Each year the State Bar of Texas presents “Family Law 101” and “Advanced Family Law 2014” which included a one day child abuse and neglect workshop.  All aspects of family law were discussed at this five day advanced course.

Protecting children’s and parents’ rights is of upmost importance, in cases Judge Mabray presides over. Judicial compliance with the Texas Family Code and attorney preparedness, are ongoing themes in the continuing education Mabray attends.