ChecksPlus1Raising thousands for West Texas Rehab, that’s what Checks Plus has been doing this month.  The employees at the Brownwood location on West Commerce sold $2101 during the Rehab Hearts Remembered campaign.  Their parent company, Lawrence Management, helped raise a total of $11,630 for the cause through the efforts of their 23 locations.

Cyndi Guthrie, manager of the Brownwood Checks Plus won a contest held by Lawrence Management to see who could raise the most money for Rehab.  Cyndi sold $809 worth of hearts.  She won prizes that include an iPod Touch, a $20 gift card and a day off with pay.  Her coworker, Jackie Davis was second place with $703 and won a $100 gift card.  Becca Bethke, another employee at Check Plus raised $589.

Lawrence Brothers Management also praised the fundraising efforts of Guthrie and her employees in a congratulatory email they received notifying all stores of their success.

“Unbelievable job, you may never know how much this will mean to someone who will be facing a very difficult time in their life,” stated supervisor Sammy Hancock.  “I am very proud of the effort that was given and the result will be a blessing to a lot of people.

Guthrie and her store also won the 2010 contest “Shamrocks for MDA”.

Soon Guthrie and other Lawrence Management stores will continue their fundraising magic selling the 2011 Shamrocks for MDA.  You can help a great cause by making a $1 or $5 donation when you visit Checks Plus of Brownwood.

Pictured above are Guthrie and Davis, top winners.  Below are other pictures of the store covered in fundraising hearts.


