BrownwoodCommunityLogoarticleOn Friday, the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce held their monthly luncheon with guest speaker Mayor Bert V. Massey II giving the state of the city address.  Below is a rundown of Mayor Massey’s address.

Massey stated that we have a “great city council…composed of people who do the best that they can for the community they live in and which they love.  They study the issues and seek to be informed to do what is best for this community.”   He went on to state that he feels that “…the city of Brownwood is in great shape”.  There are 278 full time employees at the city.  There have been 3 full time positions that are being eliminated in the budget this fiscal year.  One FT position was eliminated since the fiscal year began and a civilian police trainer has been added.  Massey further stated that the city looks for “…ways to reduce the city work force and yet save time…doing what you expect your city to do for you”.

The mayor pointed out that the major thing people are concerned with is law enforcement.  There are 38 certified police officers and 35 certified firefighters including the chief & assistant chief on the payroll.  The Police budge is $4,690,000, Fire Department budget is $2,466,000, and the city budget is $30,372,282 ($138,600 less than last year).  Massey explained that most cities are having troubles meeting their budgets because of economic times and downward trends of the city taxes when Brownwood has actually had a budget decrease.  Our sales tax revenue decrease has only been slight.  City tax rates have not increased in the last 5 years, which Massey said he not anticipated them to go up anytime soon.  The only increases in taxes were in values determined by the central appraisal district.

Massey also noted that the Office of the Controller of Public Accounts from the state and its appraisers are planning to check the accuracies of all counties in the state.  The Brown County Appraisal District is scheduled for this to begin in 2011.  If inaccuracies are found, this may penalize our school districts across the county.

FEMA is currently remapping the states to determine the flood levels in communities.  FEMA is taking the best available data and through consultants determining the accuracy of this data.  They have determined that 1425 feet is not sea level at Lake Brownwood, that it should be higher.  City and BCWID are doing battle with FEMA to determine what is the flood level at Lake Brownwood.  Currently this dispute is actually hampering business development in Brownwood until it is settled.

The city’s 10 year plan has been completed except for the new city Aquatic Facility.  Brownwood Economic Development Corp is currently working on this Aquatic Facility and will be working on an expanded sports facility.  In January, the National Guard is going to be working on clearing the site.  A new Senior Citizens Center is also in the process of being developed and being moved to the old city hall building near the Coliseum.  Construction has begun with re-roofing and insulation.

Massey assured the audience that, “We are doing better economically than the nation as is our state and better than most communities in our state.  We have a diversity in employment.  There are no significant layoffs or plant closures.  Much of the credit goes to the development of Brownwood Industrial Foundation attracting industry.”

The city has contracted with A&M for its graduate students to update the comprehensive master plan. Work will begin in the spring  with citizen input being an important part of the process.  The Economic Development  Corporation’s comprehensive plan is a document providing policy direction on the use of land decision, consisting of a transportation plan, a zoning plan and other plans to be updated.

Massey mentioned the asset of our landfill having 500+ ac. for use.  Completion of “Cell 11” development was mentioned.  This landfill saves our community a great deal by not having to hire out a waste disposal company.  Massey stated that it will last us for a long time.

A recent charter election changed the position of Police Chief to an appointed position.  The city has already begun work to hire a new police chief.  The job will be posted in January.  The city anticipates 40-80 applicants, and is looking for someone who has considerable police, command, street and supervisory experience and someone that will run an efficient department, working through the Texas Police Association and the Brownwood Police Association.  The position will most likely be offered with a $70,000-80,000 salary.

The city’s ISO (fire) rating from the state is improved from 5 to 3, which may mean a 6.5% decrease on residential policies and 13% on commercial policies, depending on the insurance company chosen.  ISO rating is determined by fire equipment, fire personnel, water system, & dispatch capabilities.

Massey stated in closing, “We do have a good city government, we have a great city manager and great city staff.  I am very proud of them and grateful to be associated with them”.