HPUSquareLogoIt’s time to dust off that old clarinet or trombone and get back in the band! The Central Texas Community Concert Band will begin rehearsals for the spring 2016 season on Monday, January 25, at Howard Payne University.

The band will meet in HPU’s Davidson Music Complex beginning at 7:30 p.m. Corey Ash, director of bands at HPU, will lead the group along with several guest conductors from the area.

“Everyone is invited to be a part of this exciting group,” said Ash. “The band will perform varied literature for its annual spring concert. From high school students to those who are older but still have the desire to play, all are invited to come and be a part of this wonderful community project.”

For more information, contact Ash at (325) 649-8502 or cash@hputx.edu.