The Center for Life Resources has received a $248,000 grant from the Texas Veterans Commission to assist veterans in the seven counties served by the Center. The grant will enable the Center to provide limited emergency financial assistance, rental assistance, post-traumatic stress disorder counseling and service coordination services to qualified veterans in Brown, Comanche, Coleman, Eastland, McCulloch, Mills and San Saba counties. All services will be provided free of charge to all qualified veterans, their dependents and surviving spouses.
The Center will be able to provide qualified veterans with temporary rental assistance for up to six months. The Center will also have funds to provide emergency one-time financial assistance to veterans and their families to help with utilities, prescription costs, and food. Additionally, the Center will have limited funds to assist needy veterans with legal issues such as landlord/tenant, bankruptcy, family, guardianship, employment and other civil issues. Financial assistance will be need based, and the veteran or other applicant will be required to establish need based on his or her current finances. All payments will be made directly to the vendors.
For veterans identified as suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, the Center will be able to provide 12 sessions of individual counseling with a licensed professional counselor trained by the Department of State Health Services. The Center currently has three fully trained and qualified licensed counselors available to provide these services. These counseling/training services will be provided free of charge to qualifying veterans.
The goal of the Center for Life Resources Veterans Assistance Program is to provide services and opportunities to enhance the quality of life for the veterans of Central Texas. For further information, contact Jim Cox at 325-642-3150 between 8 AM and 5 PM weekdays.