Martin_Luther_King_JrThe Friends of the Bennie Houston Recreation Center proudly invite the public to take part in the 2013 celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 21st.

Organizers state that this will be a monumental day filled with remembrance and celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. King.  The theme for the celebration is “Celebrate the Legacy:  Let Freedom Ring.”

The celebration will kick off with a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day march, which will begin at the Bennie Houston Recreation Center at 10:00 a.m.  Participants of the march are encouraged to wear warm red, white or blue clothing and bring banners representative of their school, organization or city department.  Banners and signs are also encouraged.

For more information about the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day march, contact Jodie Miller at 325-726-8011 or Gladys Bryant at 325-642-3195.