CASALogoHOTDuring February, Black History Month, CASA in the Heart of Texas recognizes the positive difference that Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) volunteers of color have made to children in the foster care system.

“Carolyn Dunlap isn’t mentioned in the history books, but she is making a tremendous difference in the lives of abused or neglected children in the foster care system,” said Micelle Wells, executive director of CASA in the Heart of Texas.

“These children have already faced tough situations, and entering the foster care system can be traumatic. But when a child is placed in a culturally different setting, it is even more challenging,” continued Wells. “They aren’t just removed from their homes but removed from their schools, community, place of worship, etc.

In Texas, African American children are over represented in the state’s foster care system. Statewide, 11.6 percent of the child population is African American, but 18.7 percent of the children removed from their homes are African American. There is no evidence that African Americans abuse or neglect their children at higher rates than families of other race and ethnicity.

It is important that the CASA volunteer pool reflect the children who are served. Unfortunately, only 9 percent of the more than 7,000 volunteers in Texas are African American, said Wells.

“We need more volunteers who are sensitive to cultural differences, who can help foster parents work through the issues that that child is facing and who can be positive models for children in care,” said Wells.

Carolyn Dunlap is one of those special people, volunteering to speak up, stand up and advocate for our children in Brown, Comanche and Mills County as a CASA Volunteer Advocate.

“Having volunteers who understand where children are coming from is very important,” said Wells. “”We all like to think we’re color blind, but the reality is unless you’ve walked in the shoes of someone who has faced discrimination or not fitting in, you really don’t understand the challenge it is for a child who has been uprooted and placed in a strange setting.”

Carolyn Dunlap says she knows she makes a difference in her CASA kids’ lives and they sure make a difference in her life.

Even though the data supports that there is no difference in the rate of maltreatment of African American children, they are still removed from their homes at higher rates and face more challenges and fewer opportunities compared to their peers.

African American children languish in foster care longer and often have multiple placements per year, moving from foster home to foster home with little stability. They represent a larger number of children awaiting adoption and many will age out of the system at age 18 years old without a family or support system.

CASA Volunteer Carolyn Dunlap says CASA offers her an opportunity to quit talking about what’s wrong and make it right.

CASA Volunteers are specifically trained to advocate for children in foster care. Volunteer advocates get to know the child and speak to everyone involved in the child’s life, including their family members, teachers, doctors, lawyers, social workers and others.

The information they gather and their recommendations help the court overseeing the cases make informed decisions. CASA volunteers commit to a child until the case is closed and the child is in a safe, permanent home.

CASA in the Heart of Texas for Brown, Comanche and Mills counties is a member of the Texas CASA network, which is comprised of 69 local programs serving children in 206 Texas counties. In 2012, 7,260 volunteers advocated for nearly 23,000 children in the state’s legal responsibility. Unfortunately, more than half the children in foster care do not have advocates to speak up for them in court.

CASA in the Heart of Texas presently has 31 volunteers to serve 118 abused or neglected children in Brown, Comanche and Mills counties.  CASA needs 118 to have a CASA for everyone of the kids in CASA’s care.

For more information, visit,, call the CASA office at 325-643-2557 or come by and visit.  CASA is on the top floor of the Family Service Center at the corner of Austin Ave and Ave. B in Brownwood.