Brownwood News – CASA volunteers were honored Tuesday night at the Volunteer Appreciation Celebration put on by CASA staff and Board of Directors with the help of Judge Ellis, Shane Britton, and Presley Haile. Pictured above: Jhenisa Stegemoller (left) and Ginger Spies (right) of Mills County are administered their oaths as Court Appointed Special Advocates by Judge Stephen Ellis during the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner held at the new Early Visitors and Events Center. 


Miss Haile, a 17 year old junior at Goldthwaite High School and the daughter of Mills County Sheriff’s Department personnel, entertained guests with music before dinner and sang “A Million Dreams” as a tribute to the volunteers who work tirelessly to make a safe world for children in the child protective/foster care system, one child at a time. 

Shane Britton, Brown County Attorney, spoke to the gathering about the importance of the work they do and of it’s special meaning to him. Judge Ellis also added words of encouragement to the advocates about the difference they make in the system. Volunteers were given pins denoting their years of service, individual awards for their unique contributions and attributes or CASA volunteer pins for those who were new, and door prizes provided by our generous radio stations, Lori Coppic, and others. 

“We needed a night just to celebrate the work and the hearts of our volunteers, who do so much without thought of pay or thanks,” stated Joanne McCraw, recruiter/trainer for CASA in the Heart of Texas. “It was refreshing to see our volunteers having fun and making connections with one another and our Board members, as well as Judge Ellis and Shane Britton.  Having them join us for the evening was a special honor.”

The next Pre-Service Volunteer Training Class is set to begin May 21st.  CASA training consists of about 28 hours of classroom time with another 8 or more hours of self-study, and at least 3 hours of court observation.  McCraw likens it to boot camp for Court Appointed Special Advocates.  “Furthermore,” she states, “CASA volunteers are like the Navy SEALS of volunteers.  They have tough training and must be willing to make some hefty commitments going in.  Being a Court Appointed Special Advocate is not for the faint of heart or those who want to reserve plenty of their time for relaxing.  It is, however, a great opportunity for those who have a passion for children and the skillset necessary to do the work.”  Applications must be received by May 13th for those who would like to participate in this training group.

If any are interested in learning more about CASA and becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate, CASA in the Heart of Texas will be hosting CASA 101, an information session, on May 7th at 6:00 pm at 901 Avenue B (Community Connections of Central Texas). Staff would appreciate a call or email to let them know of plans to attend.  If interested but unable to attend, please contact CASA staff for more information by calling the CASA office at 325-643-2557, going to for more information and/or to submit an application, or e-mailing