Today there is much talk about brands such as liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat, Progressive or Regressive, even communists.

Then there is the talk about capitalism versus socialism. Who can argue that competition is the heart and soul of American Capitalism.

Who can argue that the Rural Electrical Association or Rural Water Systems, all owned by their customers is not socialism.

And there is no talk about the Cartels, same as a monopoly, which can set a price at whatever the traffic will bear.  The enemy of Cartels is the U.S. Anti-Trust section of the office of the U.S. Attorney designed to keep competition in the marketplace.

So called Republicans and Democrats have allowed one group of investors to purchase all of one type of business in order to remove price competition, to set prices – no competition in the market place.

Even worse is the Oil Cartel, owned by non-Americans.  The drug industry, some say, is a cartel based in Switzerland.  All mega Banks are foreign owned.  These Cartels can charge any interest rate they choose, because those we re-elect choose to let them.  The interest on credit cards flows out of our borders.

Hospitals and hospital suppliers are Cartels where no price competition exists, allowing each to steal Medicare money.

Ike Eisenhower warned us in 1961, that the military-industrial complex would take control of our government.

As he predicted war corporations elected themselves a president and a Congress that permitted our money and credit to be transferred to foreign banks through non-competitive contracts.

Capitalism is great as long as it has competition.

Attorney Generals since the Lyndon Johnson days of 1969 have refused to enforce the anti-trust law to prohibit Cartels.  Democrats and Republican Administrations alike have permitted competition to be erased so that an American no longer lives in a real Capitalism society.


-Colonel George A. Day,  JAG (retired), Brownwood