The general public is invited to attend the first annual Wheels Show featuring car, motorcycle or other things on wheels from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. at 2323 Belle Plain. Local enthusiasts are welcome to bring out their hot rods, motorcycles, muscle cars, sports cars, campers, bicycles and other wheeled transportation, old or new. There are no entry fees for participants or guests. 1st – 3rd Place People’s Choice Awards will be presented. Tickets for the evening festivities will be available from 4 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.
The doors open at 5:30 p.m. for ticket holders. The drawing will begin at 6 p.m. and continue through the evening until the last ticket is drawn. The meal will be served from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Crawfish Band goes on stage at 7 p.m.
Back by popular demand, Grammy Award Nominee The Crawfish Band has a repertoire of rock and roll old and new, blues, jazz, country, Motown and more.
Ticketholders need not be present to win the vehicle, but those in attendance will have additional opportunities to win. When there are only 12 tickets left in the hopper a lucky 13th ticket will be auctioned off to ticketholders present, giving those who may have been eliminated an opportunity to get back in. The last 10 ticketholders can accept bids from other participants to sell their tickets but are not required to accept the offers. Door prizes and additional auction items will be awarded.
This event supports Big Brothers Big Sisters of Brown County in providing mentors to local children. Research shows that through the positive impact of a match relationship, children are more likely to graduate from high school and less likely to use drugs, alcohol or engage in high-risk behaviors. In short, they will have more opportunity to reach their highest potential with the encouragement that an additional adult mentor can add to their life. Volunteers are asked to spend time with a child at least twice a month.
BBBS is a United Way agency primarily supported by local donations. For more information about Wheels and Deals, or if you would like to become a Big Brother or Big Sister, contact Gina Jameson at 325-643-5600 or