AgriLifeExtensionCattlemen are certainly tough and resilient individuals. Natural disasters, escalating land prices, high input costs and transition challenges don’t get these folks down too easily. Despite these challenges, cattlemen thrive by being as efficient as possible in the way they manage their cowherd while producing high-quality beef. As corn prices skyrocket, many are wondering how today’s high feed prices will impact cowboys across the country. Some are looking into alternative solutions to the problem.

We’ve seen producers feed cattle everything from algae to beer, and there are some cattlemen who are looking at a surprisingly sweet treat to feed their livestock — candy.

Candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner might be a five-year-old’s dream, but it’s the new reality for dairy cows in some parts of the country. This summer’s drought has driven up the cost of corn feed, forcing farmers to look for cheaper and more plentiful alternatives. And they’ve found them in the form of gummy bears, marshmallows and even cookies.

Kansas dairy farmer Orville Miller is replacing 5% of his cattle feed with chocolate. However, there are many who think this feed additive is not only wacky, but it’s also wrong. Some groups criticize farmers and ranchers for feeding livestock chocolate and the like.