
The area’s Ark Domestic Violence Shelter held a candlelight vigil on Thursday to commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness Month at Howard Payne University’s Girling Center for Social Justice.

Detective Harold Thomas of the Brownwood Police Department was guest speaker for the event and outlined his experiences as a long-time peace officer dealing with domestic violence.

“For family violence to occur in community, it happens so often, it’s not news,” Thomas said. “It becomes a regular part of the way of life in our communities. That is part of the cycle that we have to break that mentality.”

Thomas said that the only way to break that cycle is for the members of the community to take action.

“How can you help? Report what you see.  That is the only way to make our community safer,” Thomas said.

He said that organizations like the Ark are vital in helping stop domestic violence.

“How can you help the Ark?  You have to support it,” Thomas said.  “Not just with volunteerism and reporting but financially.”

The names of domestic violence victims killed in the area were read aloud to conclude the ceremony as those in attendance honored those victims with a moment of silence and lighting of candles.

The mission of the Pecan Valley Regional Domestic Violence Shelter, Inc., dba The Ark, is to provide safe shelter and comprehensive resident and non-resident services through advocacy, referrals and education to support and empower victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault, one family at a time.

Those needing to contact the Ark can call 325-643-2699.

