
The Pecan Valley Republican Women’s Club will host the three candidates running for Brown County Sheriff as their guest speakers at their monthly luncheon meeting on Thursday, December 17, 2015, at 11:30 am at the Brownwood Country Club.

Candidates running for Brown County Sheriff include Vance Hill, Billy Bloom, and Paul Lilly.  Each candidate will talk about their campaigns, backgrounds, experience and vision for the office of sheriff.   Questions will be allowed if time permits.

The Pecan Valley Republican Women and Brown County Republican Women Clubs are working together to give all the candidates running for office an opportunity to speak at one of their monthly luncheon meetings before the primary elections.  You do not have to be a member of the either club to attend.

Please RSVP by texting or calling 325-998-3880 no later than Wednesday noon December 16, 2015.