TexasForestryServiceFirefighters dedicated to protecting lives and property will converge at the Central Texas Wildfire Academy at Camp Bowie, Texas in preparation for the 2016 wildfire season.

In an effort to enhance skills and learn new firefighting techniques, responders from across the country will get hands-on experience using the National Wildfire Coordination Group training standards.

“The firefighters that attend this academy become better equipped to fight wildfires and protect lives and homes in an effective way. Extra training allows the firefighters to work safely on a wildfire or a prescribed burn,” said Stacy Harvick, Texas A&M Forest Service wildland urban interface specialist.

The Central Texas Wildfire Academy held Feb. 11–14 accommodates all skill levels of municipal, rural and wildland firefighters. Participants will have the option to choose classes at an introductory, intermediate or advanced level. Classes offered include engine boss, ignition operations and tanker shuttle courses. Attendees can participate in prescribed burns throughout the academy.

The cost is $20 per day, not including meals. Breakfast and lunch can be purchased on site, dinner is not provided.

Firefighters approved for grant funding through the Rural Volunteer Fire Department Assistance Program or the TIFMAS Grant Assistance Program are not required to pay for training.

“Grants are a great way for volunteer fire departments to get the money they need to send their firefighters to the trainings that are necessary to do their job safely,” said Charles Tice, Texas A&M Forest Service, regional fire coordinator. “It is also a great way for the Texas A&M Forest Service to support the local volunteer fire departments.”

The academy is a joint effort between the Texas Army National Guard, Dam Volunteer Fire Department and Texas A&M Forest Service.

For more information and registration visit the Texas Interagency Coordinating Center. To complete a grant application for training tuition visit texasfd.com. Applications must be received prior to training.