
Summer camp has been saved at Camp Billy Gibbons Boy Scout Camp (located just south of Richland Springs on Brady Creek).

“We had a great response from the surrounding communities in our efforts to raise money to upgrade Camp Billy Gibbons prior to Summer Camp 2016,” said Robin Walker, a volunteer Scouter with the Texas Trails Council.  “Some of the infrastructure at Billy Gibbons was old and needed updating.  Based on your story, coupled with the generous support of the surrounding communities, Texas Trails Council received contributions from 33 individuals totaling $39,588.”

Several companies made free or deeply discounted contributions of services to help stretch that money to more than double what it would have normally purchased.  They include:

Associated Well Services, Inc. Colton and Gary Aardal; and Collier Consulting, Inc., Hughbert Collier, both out of Stephenville completely renovated the water system at Camp Billy Gibbons.  The camp now has a new submersible water wall pump, new chlorination system, new pressure tanks, new control unit, new pex piping and two new 5,000-gallon water storage tanks.

Richard Maultsby Electric out of San Saba long with Sharyland Utilities brought the power grid up to current electrical standards and installed new breaker boxes, new security lights, new overhead wiring, and eliminated numerous electrical safety deficiencies.

Comanche Appliance Company, Inc., Robert Cobb, out of Comanche repaired the camp’s ovens and serviced the camp’s Viking Range.

Horner Cabinets and Trim, Matt Horner, out of Cisco built and installed a complete set of custom cabinets for the camp’s new trading post, now located at the northeast end of the dining facility.

Roy Jackson Construction, Roy Jackson, out of Tuscola, refurbished the exterior siding of the Gee Lodge and installed nine new windows, a new air conditioning unit along with new interior lighting and two new exterior doors.

Frontier Welded Products, Inc., Jaime Rocha, out of Abilene manufactured, delivered and installed five new latrines to replace five dilapidated latrines built over 48-years ago, located throughout the camp.  Frontier also built a new 12-foot countertop for the camp’s new snack bar.

“We raised enough money to take care of our major issues,” Mark Conrad said.

Summer Camp will run two weeks in mid-June.  For more information, please contact a local Scoutmaster, call the Texas Trails Council at

325-677-2688, or visit

“As you can see, Camp Billy Gibbons is alive and well and ready for summer camp for many years to come,” Walker said.

Council President Jack Rentz said Camp Billy Gibbons is “ready for another good 20-year run of outstanding camping.”

This article was republished with permission from the Goldthwaite Eagle.