IMG_3494 #Brownwood

The 2nd Annual Butterfly Ball and Grasshoppers Feast will be held Saturday, May 25th from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Coggin Park in Brownwood. This service awareness festival will feature six local child serving non-profit agencies who will provide activities for children and families.

Participating agencies are: CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate Association), Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Central Texas Opportunities Headstart, and the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department. Activities during the event include a bubble station, games, coloring and a butterfly release.

Butterflies to release will be available at the event for a small donation. Information will also be available on local resources for families.

Heart of Texas Riders, supporting all child serving agencies will be cooking hamburgers and hotdogs for those attending the festival. The newly formed Heart of Texas Riders raises funds and awareness to support the children in Brown County.

Grab a blanket or chair and come for some family fun.

Contact Gina Jameson, (325) 998-0103 for more information.

Pictured above are participants of the 1st annual Butterfly Ball held in 2012.