On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 Brownwood ISD is hosting a Technology Showcase in conjunction with the $850,000 TEA Connections Grant the district received last year.
From 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. an estimated 75 to 100 teachers, administrators, school technicians, and curriculum directors from all over the state are expected to attend the showcase which displays how Brownwood schools, grades 4 through 12 are utilizing the technology in the classroom.
“I think that what has made this so popular is the fact that we are a recognized school district that has had Blue Ribbon schools, Goldstar awards and other honors, and people want to know some reasons why,” Said Pam McGhee, Digital Media Specialist for Brownwood High School and coordinator for the event. “Over the course of the day teachers and students will show how they are using some of this awesome technology, like iPads, iPod Touches, Laptops, Mobi Views and vClickers,” McGhee added.
Focusing on the improvement of student academic achievement, the TEA Connections Grant provides funding for various technology initiatives, classroom equipment, teacher training and parental involvement. It is designed to ensure that students are technology literate by the time they finish 8th grade. Funding was targeted for use in grades 4-12.
Schools benefitting from the Connections Grant must be willing to be a “showcase school”, or Technology Demonstration Site, allowing other districts, schools, and state lawmakers to see examples of the technology and its integration. McGhee said that the showcase event itself is not necessarily a requirement of the grant, but that Brownwood ISD must be open to show what it is doing with the technology.
McGhee included that Dr. Reece Blincoe, the Superintendent for Brownwood ISD, has really pushed for advancing technology in the district. The resulting use of technology in the classroom is keeping students and teachers busy learning and utilizing the cutting-edge equipment.
“I really appreciate all the help I’ve received from my Digital Media Specialists and Elizabeth Gilmore,” McGhee said. “Without Elizabeth and the help of the principals and all the teachers we wouldn’t be able to do it.”
Elizabeth Gilmore, the Instructional Technologist for Brownwood ISD, has also aided in coordinating the event with the different campuses, teachers and staff that will be involved.
“Teachers can stay with their current curriculums if they want, but they will be sure to incorporate technology that day,” McGee said. “The showcase will wrap up here at the district office with a question and answer period for anyone that attended who wants to know more about what was shown.”