CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallBrownwood City Council approved a tax freeze for homesteads of seniors and disabled citizens at Tuesday’s meeting of the council.

An ordinance was approved on second and third/final readings freezing the total amount of ad valorem taxes imposed on the homesteads of persons with disabilities or sixty-five years of age and older.

The Texas Attorney General directly addressed the question of whether or not an election for a tax freeze can be called without receipt of a petition signed by 5% of the registered voters.  He said that a city or county can call an election without a petition.

There are three ways a tax freeze can take place, according to the Attorney General.  The first, the council could implement the freeze by placing the item on the agenda and voting on it.  Second, the council could call an election and let voters decide or third, a petition from at least 5% of the registered voters can force an election.

Both the City of Brownwood and the City of Early implemented the tax freeze through a vote by the council.  Brown County voters passed a countywide tax freeze through the petition from more than 5% of the registered voters in November 2014.

This tax freeze applies to the freeze on the tax rates each governmental entity places on homestead properties only.  It does not apply to commercial or agricultural properties and does not affect the periodic valuation of the homestead property.  If property values are increased, these senior and disabled citizens could see an increase in their annual ad valorem tax amounts.

In other unrelated matters on Tuesday’s agenda:

*Council awarded a bid of $107,970.50 to Concrete Conservation Inc. to resurface and rehabilitate the Slayden lift station and authorized the city manager to sign a contract regarding the work.  The Slayden lift station was constructed in 1968 and over time moisture and corrosive gasses have caused surface deterioration of the concrete surfaces of in the station.  Bid specs were completed and bids were taken to clean, sandblast and resurface the concrete with a corrosion resistant protective coating.  The work will include bypass pumping to keep the system operational during the work, which will be completed within 90 days of the notice to proceed.  This contractor has done work for the city in the past.  The current work on the pump station will be warrantied for 10 years, according to city officials.

*Council authorized Mayor Stephen Haynes to execute a lease agreement with the Brownwood Bowhunting Association for a three year term on a 63 acre tract located at 7340 FM 45 South.  The lease agreement is at a rate of $10 per year.  Allowable uses of the property include an archery range, archery competitions and tournaments.  Hunting is excluded due to the proximity to the landfill, according to City Manager Bobby Rountree.  The association is expected to pay in full all real property taxes, special assessments and governmental charges of any kind imposed on the leased premises during the term and is required to maintain liability insurance in the amount of $1 million dollars per occurrence.

*Council approved an agreement for a three month Route 66 exhibit to be displayed at the LehnisTransportation Museum and authorized the city manager to sign the agreement.

*Council authorized the city manager to execute a contract for the demolition and disposing of the remaining structure at 405 W. Anderson, also known as the Plantation Nursing Home with Total Demolition, Inc.

*Council amended and approved an ordinance on second and third/final readings to extend the city limits of the City of Brownwood to include a parcel of land being approximately 5 acres situated in Brown County Texas, being out of the Taylor Smith Survey 600, Abstract 821, located on the West side of Highway 377 at the intersection of FM 3064.  The owner of the property intends to build an assisted living facility at this location and requested the change to receive city services, according to Rooftree.

*City Manager Rountree gave several reports on construction projects.

Fire Station: Air conditioning and duct work is complete, the communication system is completed, insulation in the roof is being completed and the fire alarm is up and running.  Overhead Doors is continuing to work on the big roll up doors in the bay, which when opened turn off the HVAC system for more efficiency.  The contractor is continuing to work on landscaping, cabinetry, drywall patching and painting.  No move in date has been set.

Fisk Street: 10 ramps and sidewalks remain to be poured.  Signal completion is scheduled for March 2nd.  Final overlay is expected to be done in mid March.

Soccer field: North and South pad sites for restroom/concession buildings have been developed.  3000 feet of trenches have been dug for the irrigation system.  The city plans to go out for bids on the soil, fertilization and fine grading, seed and sod soon, with bids being due on February 24, 2015.