BISDlogoThe Brownwood Independent School District Board of Trustees approved a bid on Monday night for the renovation of the Brownwood High School track.

The renovation of the high school track was tabled at the May school board meeting until more definite numbers could be presented to ensure affordability.   The bid for renovation of the track from Waldrop Construction was approved for $326,132.

District officials said that conservative figures show that the district will finish the 2009-2010 school year $600,000 – $700,000 in the black which will allow the track to be completed.  This surplus is attributed to the over 100 new students who have enrolled or transferred to the district during the school year as well as careful spending by the campuses.

“Our campuses have been very frugal,” said Deputy Superintendent Kevin Gabaree. “The impact on student enrollment is huge.”

School Superintendant Reece Blincoe said that the trend seems to be continuing as BISD has received 147 transfer requests just since the school year ended.  Blincoe said that more information about enrollment and transfer numbers will be released soon.

As far as the track renovation, officials said that work will begin this summer and is estimated to continue as the new school year begins.  The goal is to have the renovation completed by mid-fall.

In other items from the school board meeting:

*BISD received a check for $44,522.29 from the estate of Melvin G. Biggs.  Mr. Biggs left the money to the school district as part of his Last Will & Testament.  The money is to be spent in the English, Math, and Science departments as the district sees fit.

*The district approved the filing of a Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission protest against the renewal of the alcohol sales permit for Food Plaza #9.

*Trustees accepted a proposal from Porter Insurance (Texas Mutual Insurance) for the district’s workers compensation.

*The district heard a report from Athletic Director Bob Shipley outlining the achievements from the athletic department over the past year.

*District heard a nutrition budget and menu pricing report stating that the school lunch program was in the red for the last school year.  A recommendation was made to increase school lunch prices for elementary schools from $1.70 per meal to $2.00 and for secondary would increase from $2.00 per meal to $2.25.  This would not affect free and reduced lunch programs.   The board will look at this in the next month and make a determination on possibly making an increase in prices.

*Community Relations Coordinator Emily Crawford gave a presentation of the district’s new website.  It has a customizable calendar, contact info on teachers, photos, blogs, and numerous other features to make communication with schools much easier.  See the new website at