CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallBrownwood saw an increase in their state sales tax allocations for July which marks their first increase for the year.

Brownwood’s July sales tax allocations were up 1.59% compared to the same month last year. That may not seem significant, but it is the first increase in the sales tax collections seen by Brownwood in many months. Year-to-date sales tax collections for Brownwood are still down over 5% compared last year, but that number has steadily improved over the course of the year.

Early’s collections have been moderately flat and continue on that trend according to the July numbers. Bangs and Blanket collections are down for the month.

Overall, Texas cities will receive $297.2 million, up 4.5 percent compared to July 2009. So far this calendar year, city sales tax allocations are still down 2.9 percent compared to the same time period last year.

Local sales tax allocations in July represent sales that occurred in May.

See detailed numbers below for the July 2010 sales tax allocations released by the State of Texas.

City Net
This Period
Prior Year
To Date
To Date
Bangs 7,906.29 8,023.33 -1.45% 66,616.60 71,314.65 -6.58%
Blanket 928.68 976.42 -4.88% 7,611.91 8,064.49 -5.61%
Brownwood 428,633.99 421,903.22 1.59% 3,107,354.15 3,282,460 -5.33%
Early 73,483.06 72,813.02 0.92% 610,371.23 6,232.8717.19 0.68%