BrownwoodRetTeachersAssocAppleBrown County Retired Teachers Association will meet Monday, November 7, at the Brownwood ISD Administration building at 2707 Southside Drive.  The meeting begins at 2 PM. 

Information will be provided on the Texas Retired Teacher’s Foundation programs and how TRTF supports retirees, current teachers, and future teachers.  Acadia Abilene Hospital Community liaison, Jackie Andersen, will give an overview on services available at their facility. 

All retired public school personnel are eligible for membership.  All members are reminded to bring canned goods for Good Samaritan Ministries and children’s books for the TRTA Children’s Book Project. 

Hosts and hostesses are Dora B. Majors, Ann Allen, Betty Beyer, Hilda Harlow, Maxine Hine, Donna Love, Wayne & Margie McClure, Carl & Mildred McMillan, and Nelson Turnbow.