
The BRMC Volunteer Organization elected officers for 2014 – 2015 during its Annual Awards Luncheon held at the Brownwood Country Club on May 15, 2014.

The occasion marked the 45th Anniversary for the organization founded on May 14, 1969. Those elected were Leona Jerden – President; JoAnn Goodwin –President Elect; Disa Carruth – V. P. of Membership; Jerri Jones – Recording Secretary; Elaine Centofanti – Treasurer; and Kathryn Roberts – Parliamentarian.

The New BRMC Volunteer Officers will assume responsibilities on June 1, 2014.

The BRMC Volunteers are always excited to meet area individuals who are interested in becoming a Volunteer. BRMC Volunteer application forms may be obtained in the BRMC Gift Shop, at the front entrance information desk, online at http://www.brmc-cares.com or by calling the BRMC Volunteer Office at 325-649-3399 and leaving a message.