BPDpatchSmallThe Brownwood Police Department released the following media advisory regarding traffic issues at the Brownwood Intermediate School.

The Brownwood Police Department and the Brownwood Independent School District’s Intermediate School will join forces in the upcoming weeks to address the traffic congestion at the end of the school day. The increased traffic has created a safety concern for the students and a problem for the motorists traveling through the area. Beginning next week Brownwood Police Department will be in the area immediately surrounding the school to assist with the flow of traffic.

The school has reserved the large parking lot between Ave B and Rogan for faculty. This also serves as the primary staging point for school buses transporting students and they request the parking lot remain clear of other traffic and not be used for any other purpose. Rogan Street is a one-way roadway which runs directly in front of the Intermediate School therefore, parking is permitted on both sides of the road. The two middle lanes are to be used for thru traffic only.

Motorists are reminded that it is a violation of Texas law to stop, stand, or park your vehicle in the roadway with the intent to drop off or pick up students. Traffic violations will be enforced by the Brownwood Police Department with the ultimate goal of keeping everyone safe and facilitate the safe movement of traffic in the school zone.

The Intermediate School releases students at 3:05pm. It is recommended that you arrive early and designate an area beforehand to meet your student. Parking is permitted on Brady Ave, Ave B, and both sides of Rogan Street.

Any suggestions you may have can be directed to Lt. Tracey Delgado at the Brownwood Police Department 325-646-2525.