A Brownwood Police officer was dispatched to the Brownwood Regional Medical Center Emergency Room early Sunday morning in reference to an assault with stab wounds according to police reports.

Upon arrival, the officer spoke with a witness outside the ER who was a friend of the victim, stating that he had been stabbed at a party.  According to her, she and the victim had been standing in the front yard of the hosts’ residence when the suspect’s vehicle pulled up.  The police report states that the driver exited the car and ran over to the victim, began punching him and then stabbed the victim with a knife.  The report also indicates that after this assault, the suspect ran back to his car and drove off.  According to the report, the victim’s friend and other witnesses at the party noticed the stab wounds and the friend took the victim to the ER immediately.

Once officers could speak with the victim, he stated that the assault took place after the suspect had tried to start a fight with him at Duke’s Pub & Grub.  The victim was able to avoid that confrontation and left with his friend to go to a party at the residence on Brewster Street.

The police report noted that the suspect’s vehicle was later found behind a house on Avenue E, where it looked like the suspect had tried to hide it.  Police impounded the vehicle after observing evidence related to the crime.

At this time, there have been no arrests and the investigation is ongoing.

In a separate unrelated incident, a father & son party together and share the experience of being arrested.  Saturday evening a father and son were pulled over by Brownwood Police for a defective license plate lamp.  According to the police report, the car smelled strongly of alcohol.  The police report indicated that when asked if they had been drinking, the driver, identified as 46-year-old Johnny Garcia, told the officer that he and his father were coming from a party and had a couple of drinks.

Further indicated by the report, the passenger (and father of the driver) was identified as 76-year-old Cesario Garcia.  The report further noted that the officer found that Johnny Garcia’s license had been suspended for no insurance with previous conviction on his license for driving with license invalid.  Johnny Garcia was then placed under arrest once again for Driving with License Invalid with Previous Conviction.

The report stated that the officer then turned his attention to Cesario Garcia noting his eyes were bloodshot and that he was having troubles keeping them open.  When asked to get out of the vehicle, Cesario could hardly stand without losing his balance according to the report.  When told that Johnny was under arrest and asked what Cesario planned to do, Cesario stated that he would walk to his home on Booker.  The officer placed him under arrest for Public Intoxication.

In unrelated reports:

*Police were called to the 300 block of W. Adams in reference to a man breaking windows and chasing people with a stick.  Upon the officer’s arrival, reports noted that a man matching the witnesses’ description was seen walking toward Driftwood Apartments and staggering.  The suspect was identified as 33-year-old Vladimir Rosario of Puerto Rico.  According to the report, Rosario spoke limited English and had an accent.  It was further noted in the report that Rosario’s hands had blood on them but no injuries on them; however, his shin was cut and bleeding slightly.

The report stated that witnesses verified that Rosario, in fact, was the suspect who had broken the window at the laundry mat.  Rosario was placed under arrest for Public Intoxication.  Charges may later be filed for criminal mischief if the owner of the laundry mat wishes to press charges for the damages according to the police report.

*Police responded to a burglary of a home in the 1600 block of Avenue J.  It was reported that while a woman went to the grocery store for a few hours, someone stole her couch, recliner and an end table.

*A man reported to police that his cell phone and wallet were stolen out of his boots, which were in his unlocked locker while he was at a class at Brownwood Fitness Center in the early morning hours Tuesday.