BPDpatchSmallBrownwood Police Chief Mike Corley released crime statistics from the police department for the month of September along with year-to-date numbers for 2013 and 2014.

Corley releases Brownwood Police Department crime statistics on a monthly basis as a program to have a department that is more transparent to the public.  Corley stated that he also looks at these numbers to see where the department needs to focus.

Corley said that there were 115 reported crimes in September which is increased by 3% from the previous month.  Of these crimes, 37.8% were cleared either by arrest or after further investigation.  Of note, cases of assault were up by 12 incidents or 27.2% and burglaries of habitations were increased by 11 incidents as compared to the month of August which had 7 during the same timeframe.

There were 32 traffic accidents and 5 driving while intoxicated arrests in the city of Brownwood for September.

2014 appears to have a continuing decreasing trend of total crimes (year-to-date) than the number reported in 2013.  Of note, motor vehicle thefts are down by 15 incidents or 65% and burglaries of buildings were increased by 10 cases as compared to the same timeframe during 2013.

See below for the August and September crime statistics along with tables of year-to-date 2013 and 2014 statistics of the same time period for comparison.  The number reported refers to crimes that were assigned a case number and responded to by police.  The number cleared refers to how many cases were closed either by an arrest or after further investigation.

Sep 2014
Offense Number Reported Number Cleared
Homicide 0 0
Rape 1 0
Robbery 1 0
Assault 44 24
Burglary of a Habitation 18 0
Burglary of a Building 7 2
Larceny Theft 44 14
Motor Vehicle Theft 0 0
Arson 0 0
Total 115 40
DWIs Sep 2014 5
Accidents Sep 2014 32
Aug 2014
Offense Number Reported Number Cleared
Homicide 0 0
Rape 1 0
Robbery 0 0
Assault 32 16
Burglary of a Habitation 7 3
Burglary of a Building 14 0
Larceny Theft 54 18
Motor Vehicle Theft 3 2
Arson 1 1
Total 112 40
DWIs Aug 2014 7
Accidents Aug 2014 45
Jan 2014 – Sep 2014
Offense Number Reported Number Cleared
Homicide 0 0
Rape 12 5
Robbery 6 0
Assault 355 200
Burglary of a Habitation 81 12
Burglary of a Building 45 5
Larceny Theft 445 160
Motor Vehicle Theft 8 7
Arson 1 1
Total 953 390
DWIs Jan 2014 – Sep 2014 36
Accidents Jan 2014 – Sep 2014 357
Jan 2013 – Sep 2013
Offense Number Reported Number Cleared
Homicide 0 0
Rape 10 6
Robbery 7 1
Assault 372 189
Burglary of a Habitation 82 20
Burglary of a Building 35 8
Larceny Theft 479 161
Motor Vehicle Theft 23 13
Arson 0 0
Total 1008 398
DWIs Jan 2013 – Sep 2013 52
Accidents Jan 2013 – Sep 2013 333