BPDpatchSmallBrownwood Police Chief Mike Corley released crime statistics from the police department for the month of December along with year-end numbers for 2010 and 2011.

Corley releases Brownwood Police Department crime statistics on a monthly basis as a program to have a more transparent department to the public.  Corley stated that he also looks at these numbers to see where the department needs to focus.

The total number of crimes increased by 9 incidences in December.  Overall, reported crime in Brownwood increased by approximately 8.6% as compared to the previous month.   Of these crimes, about 22% were cleared for the month of December 2011.

Year-end statistics for 2011 show that 27.8% of crimes were cleared, an increase of 3.4% of crimes cleared as compared to 24.4% year-end number of crimes of 2010.  The 2011 total number of reported crimes is down for the year by 3.6% as compared to 2010.

Overall, crimes decreased by 3% for the year.  Types of crimes which increased were larceny theft, motor vehicle theft and arson.  Types of crimes that decreased significantly were robbery and burglary of a building, each of which decreased by 50%.

See below for the November and December statistics for 2011 along with tables of yearend 2011 and 2010 statistics of the same time period for comparison.  The number reported refers to crimes that were assigned a case number and responded to by police.  The number cleared refers to how many cases were closed either by an arrest or after further investigation.


December 2011

Offense Number Reported Number Cleared
Homicide 0 0
Rape 1 0
Robbery 1 0
Assault 45 13
Burglary of a Habitation 7 1
Burglary of a Building 1 1
Larceny Theft 54 10
Motor Vehicle Theft 3 0
Arson 1 0
Totals 113 25


November 2011

Offense Number Reported Number Cleared
Homicide 0 0
Rape 1 0
Robbery 0 0
Assault 32 7
Burglary of a Habitation 10 0
Burglary of a Building 0 0
Larceny Theft 59 16
Motor Vehicle Theft 2 0
Arson 0 0
Totals 104 23


Year-To-Date January 01, 2011 to December 30, 2011

Offense Number Reported Number Cleared
Homicide 0 0
Rape 17 4
Robbery 6 3
Assault 472 168
Burglary of a Habitation 91 9
Burglary of a Building 33 4
Larceny Theft 639 159
Motor Vehicle Theft 16 5
Arson 5 4
Totals 1279 356


Year-To-Date January 01, 2010 to December 30, 2010

Offense Number Reported Number Cleared
Homicide 0 0
Rape 15 2
Robbery 12 7
Assault 534 168
Burglary of a Habitation 105 16
Burglary of a Building 67 24
Larceny Theft 569 98
Motor Vehicle Theft 10 3
Arson 2 2
Totals 1314 320