BPDpatchSmallBrownwood Police Chief Mike Corley announced this week that applications for the 2013 Citizens Police Academy are now being accepted.

The eleven-week course offers a chance for private citizens to experience the duties of police officers, and offers a look behind the scenes of the day-to-day operations of the department.

“We want you, the public, to know how your police department is run and how your tax dollars are spent,” said Corley.  “We open up our doors to the students.  There are no unanswered questions and there are no secrets.”

Corley said that the course will begin in mid to late January, but an exact date has not been set.  The classes will run for 11 Tuesday nights and one Saturday.  The Saturday class is about three or four hours and will be conducted at the shooting range.

A tentative schedule for the class includes:

(Class is 6:30pm to 9:00pm)

Week 1            Introductions, tour of the facility, and Chief’s Philosophy (Chief Corley)

Week 2            Patrol & Uniform Operations

Week 3            Investigations

Week 4            Traffic Enforcement/Accident Investigation/DWI & Public Intoxication

Week 5            Dispatch/911/Tour of the County Jail

Week 6            Family Violence/Officer Safety/Use of Force

Week 7            Student Resource Officer/Crime Prevention/Mental Health Issues

Week 8            Municipal Court/Drugs/Drug Investigations

Week 9            Fire Marshall Duties/Code Enforcement

Week 10          Internal Affairs & Ethics (Chief Corley)

Week 11          Graduation

“We want the students to use police equipment,” Corley said. “For instance, we will have you dusting for fingerprints, using a radar gun, watching a taser demo, and shooting a variety of firearms, just to name a few.  We also want the students to ride patrol with our officers.  We want the students to experience what our officers experience on a regular duty shift in Brownwood, Texas.  Students will probably see Brownwood as they have never seen it before.”

Applications can be picked up at the Brownwood Police Department 1050 W. Commerce or contact Officer Chandra Means at 325-646-2525 for more information.

“I encourage all of our citizens to consider attending the Citizen’s Police Academy,” Corley said.  “I promise it will be an experience you will remember and appreciate for a long time.”