The Brownwood Municipal Police Association (BMPA) is pleased to announce that they will be sponsoring a Sheriff Candidate Forum at 6:00 p.m. on January 19th at the Coggin Avenue Baptist Church Connection Center, located at 1801 Coggin Avenue.
“For many years, Sheriff Bobby Grubbs served the citizens of Brown County and his dedication to the community made it an easy choice to visit the polls each election season and check the box next to his name. With the loss of Sheriff Grubbs this past year, Brown County citizens, for the first time in many years, will be electing someone to be their Sheriff, whom they may not know or be familiar with,” said BMPA officials. “The BMPA recognizes that the role of Sheriff is very important to our county. Not only is the Sheriff the senior law enforcement position within the county, but the Sheriff’s Office has the largest budet expenditure within Brown County, Texas.”
BMPA members believe it is imperative that the citizens of Brown County make an informed decision at the polls. Because there are just the three candidates running in the Republican Party primary, and no other candidates, the primary election will decide the next sheriff.
BMPA members urge the citizens of Brown County to make plans to attend the forum, and hope the information citizens obtain will assist them in their decision at the polls.The forum will consist of questions selected in advance, and if time allows, additional questions will be selected from those submitted in writing by the audience.
Those with questions are encouraged to contact any of the following BMPA members:
Fred Bastardo, BMPA President 325-642-3735
H.Q. Thomas, BMPA Vice President 512-694-9773
Doug Hurt, BMPA member 325-646-4105
Robert Lee, BMPA member 325-642-1642