Brownwood News –  Brownwood’s 8th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Celebration will be held at 10:30 am on Monday, January 20, at the MLK Plaza, located at West Commerce and Austin Avenue.

“We want to invite everybody to come out.  It’s always a really, really special time,” said Jodie Miller, a member of ROC, Revitalizing Our Community.

“We’ve got a hometown boy coming back who is going to deliver the keynote address.  Val Rhodes, 1972 graduate of Brownwood High School, was a trainer on some of those state championship teams back in the late 60’s, early 70’s,” Miller said.   For more than four decades Rhodes has worked with the youth in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.  Coach Rhodes has been a basketball coach and chemistry teacher at several Metroplex schools.

“I just would like to add bring your children, bring any youngsters because bringing history back, it’s up to us to remember and to teach them and pass it on,” said Sareta Delgado, member of ROC.

Miller said the program usually lasts about one hour.  Brownwood High School Band will perform.  Howard Payne athletics also gets involved as do many members of the community.  “Come on out, bring banners, bring your kids, should be a good time,” Miller added.