
Seventy students donned lime green “Team Abby” t-shirts as they assembled for a photo in the cafeteria at Brownwood Middle School.  They are part of a Relay for Life team formed in honor of seventh grade classmate and cancer over-comer, Abby Hubbard.

Unless pointed out, no one would know which smiling student in the photo is Abby.  She has now received a clean bill of health, and is just as full of energy as her classmates.  But less than a year ago, that was not the case.

Last summer Abby woke up with a terrible stomach ache, which was caused by a tumor the size of a volleyball.  “We jokingly called it Wilson,” said Abby’s dad, Dr. Jason Hubbard.

Abby had surgery to remove the tumor, and two days before her birthday was told she had a rare form of cancer, called Dysgerminoma.  Abby was undergoing chemotherapy in San Antonio, and was not able to go to school.  Twice a week, a teacher would come to her home to help her with assignments.  She was finally able to return to school in San Antonio after Thanksgiving.

Throughout her treatment, Abby kept a positive outlook.  “I tried to think of the positive things, like I can sleep in more often; I wouldn’t have to get up to go to school,” said Abby.  Her philosophy echoed the Miley Cyrus song, “The Climb.” “I learned there’s going to be mountains that you need to climb, and you think it’s impossible, but eventually you get there, and you get to where you are today,” said Abby.

Abby transferred to Brownwood ISD to the Middle School at the beginning of the second semester.  “We have had great support from the staff and her friends,” said Dr. Hubbard.  “Abby’s enjoyed being back in Brownwood going to school; it has been one aspect we haven’t had to worry about.”

Abby’s face was glowing the day the t-shirts were passed out on campus.  “It’s fun having all these kids having t-shirts with your name on it; it makes me feel special,” said Abby.  According to Abby, everybody who has a Team Abby shirt is “on the team” and can come walk at the Relay on June 4.  “You can also make your own Team Abby shirt and come walk,” said Abby.

“You never think of this happening to your own kid,” said Dr. Hubbard.  “It is really neat seeing all the kids with shirts on with her name on it.”

The Team was organized by the Middle School Student Council under the direction of Mrs. Allison Northcutt.  Art teacher, Julie Mize designed the shirt with Abby’s input.

Team Abby has sold over 139 t-shirts and raised over $1000 for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.

Photo Above: Brownwood Middle School “Team Abby” received their t-shirts this week for the Relay for Life. (Photo Contributed)