BMSFacultyAwardsAugust 1st through 5th many Family and Consumer Science Education teachers attended the state meeting of the Family and Consumer Science Teachers Association of Texas, in Dallas.  These teachers attended professional development workshops, viewed new curriculum, received updates from the Texas Education Agency, along with certification and credential training that will help bring higher standards of teaching to our Family and Consumer Sciences Education classes locally.

While in Dallas, Brownwood Middle School Staff member, Nancy Blackstock and Brownwood Middle School Faculty member, Ann Costa, receive recognition from the Family and Consumer Science Teacher Association. (Pictured left)

Nancy Blackstock, Brownwood Middle School administrative assistant, received the Golden Service Award: This award is to recognize auxiliary personnel in public schools who have made consistent and outstanding contributions in support of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, family and consumer sciences teachers and their programs.  Nancy has not only has been the administrative assistant at Brownwood Middle School for 14 years, but she is also a state ranked barrel racer.  She is an integral part of the school environment, by providing support for the FCCLA and the other organizations at Brownwood Middle School.  She has taken time out of her busy school and personal schedule to help observe Middle School FCCLA students while preparing for Local, State and National Competitions.

Ann Costa, Brownwood Middle School Family and Consumer Science Education teacher and FCCLA advisor, was elected to Family and Consumer Science Teachers Association of Texas board of directors Region II, District 15 alternate.  Ann has been with the Brownwood School District for 7 years.  She was instrumental in starting the FCCLA chapter at the Brownwood Middle School.  Her students have competed locally and State wide against other schools achieving top awards.  Her dedication has increased awareness and interest in to the Family and Consumer Science Education class.

Family and Consumer Science Education is a career and technology program that teaches students skills for use in everyday life.  Uses such as career choices, foods and nutrition, child development, apparel, interior design, housing, personal and family development.

Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is an effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education. Chapter focus on concerns of youth, including character development, the multiple roles of family members, family relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, environment, nutrition and fitness, teen violence and career  exploration.  Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life — planning, goal setting, problem solving, critical and creative thinking, decision making and interpersonal communication — necessary in the home and workplace. It also provides opportunities for active student participation at local, state, and national levels competitions.

Photo contributed.