7thMDoweOutstandingBrownwood Middle School held end of the year 7th grade and 8th grade assemblies to honor their students for this year’s accomplishments.

For the complete listing of award recipients and photos, visit the Brownwood Middle School website at Eighth grade recipients were Cole Pennington and Victoria Hood. Presenting the awards were Kathleen Dowe, wife of the late Michael Dowe, and Novalene Dowe, his mother.  Both ladies are retired educators.

The Amanda Goodman Award is given to one seventh grader and one eighth grader.  It is given in honor of Amanda Goodman, a former Middle School student who was an outstanding student and tennis player.  Receiving the award were Kyle Baugh and Delaney Bennett.  Presenting the award was tennis coach, Kara Pierson.


Pictured below: Both Amanda G awards winners

The Top Team Player Award is selected by team teachers, and is based off of good citizenship throughout the year.  The award is given to one boy and one girl in each team.

AmandaGAwardsSeventh grade Top Team Player Award winners were: Brady Taylor, Delaney Bennett, Marissa Blincoe and L.J. Dotson. (Pictured below)

Eighth grade Top Team Player Award winners were: Alex Bernal, Garrett Barnum, Lauren Peterson, and Keegan Torres. (Pictured below)

Presidential Academic Excellence Gold Awards are given to eighth graders with a cumulative middle school GPA of 90 or above, who have high moral character, have been nominated by a teacher and have been validated by an awards committee.  75 eighth graders received the Presidential Academic Excellence Gold Award.

Pictured Below: 8th Grade Presidential Gold Award Winners

The Presidential Academic Achievement Silver Award is selected by teachers and is given to eighth graders who have shown remarkable effort regardless of grades, or accomplishments in fine arts.  31 eighth graders received this award. (Pictured below)


7th Top Team Players


8th Top Team Players



Pictured to Left: 8th Grade Presidential Silver Award Winners

16 seventh graders and 13 eighth graders had perfect attendance for the entire year.  For this accomplishment, Food Plaza donated mugs to each students to get free drinks over the summer.

Photo Below: 7th Perfect Attendance & 8th Perfect Attendance Awards Winners.

AB Honor Roll Awards were given to 23 seventh graders and 49 eighth graders, and 235 “B” Awards were given to the top two students in each subject.  These photos are available on the Middle School website at

7th Grade Perfect Attendance Awards


8th Grade Perfect Attendance Awards