
Twenty-six members of the Brownwood Middle School Choir traveled to Stephenville Middle School on Saturday, October 19th to participate in auditions for the Middle School All-Region Choir. These 7th and 8th grade students auditioned in front of a panel of five judges and were required to sight read an eight measure phrase of music, as well as to sing two songs in English and a third song in French. Judges rated the students on their musicality, vocal tone, foreign language pronunciations, level of preparation for the audition, and their ability to read music.

The top twelve singers for each voice part (soprano 1 & 2, alto 1 & 2, tenor 1 & 2, and bass) were named All-Region Choir Members.

Four Brownwood Middle School Choir members earned the honor of being a part of the All-Region Choir:  Brittany Daniel (Soprano 1), Logan Dick (Tenor 1), Tim Crawford (Tenor 1), and Clay Townsend (Bass).

The Middle School All-Region Choirs will rehearse together and perform in concert on Saturday, November 2nd at Aledo High School.

Pictured above are (L to R) Tim Crawford, Brittany Daniel, Logan Dick, and Clay Townsend.  Photo contributed.