IMG_5418aA very civil, yet emotionally charged “Town Hall Meeting” was hosted Thursday Sept. 3, 2009 by the Brownwood Independent School District, at the BHS Auditorium.  This question & answer style discussion allowed citizens to air their thoughts and voice concerns about the current “Healthcare Reform” legislation currently on the US Congress and President Obama’s agenda.

Dr. Reese Blinco, BISD Superintendent, played the role of Moderator, keeping discussion moving.

US Congressman Mike Conaway opened the forum stating his position on the current bill, “I am a hard no on HR3200”…”Let this one fail and let’s start over…from the ashes we can work for what’s best for America”.  The importance of getting the legislation right, not rushing it through in order to avoid creating a program that doesn’t work properly was stressed.

Conaway explained the current majority in the Congress makes it near impossible for his Republican party to defeat the bill and how other strategies such as amendment proposals and suggestions of alternative ideas are the most fruitful ways the minority has to voice any opinions.

Four open microphones were positioned in the aisles and attendees were invited to form an orderly line, take turns asking questions related to healthcare reform and that it was planned that the meeting would end after about two hours of discussion.  A diverse crowd of Veterans, teachers, retirees, college students, healthcare providers, parents of handicapped children, business owners and military moms were represented at the microphone.

Conaway mentioned that we all have the first Amendment Right and that with our votes, every two years, we decide who represents us in Congress.  Your vote is important to voice your views.  If you don’t agree with your congressman, then don’t re-elect them.

Opinions of why not try to fix the system we have, getting rid of fraud, abuse of emergency room care, using these savings to help pay for insuring the uninsured.  A nurse came to the microphone voicing, “We have the best healthcare in the world…people need to know that it does have problems, let’s fix them”.  A disabled Veteran pointed out the money we pay for foreign oil could also be used to provide care for the uninsured.

Another woman expressed her concern that lawmakers need to read the entire healthcare bill before voting on it.  Too much unrelated spending (“pork”) and programs are built into bills (for example:  mandatory volunteer service and a civilian militia in this bill) are items some lawmakers are unaware of because they don’t take the time to read all of the bills they vote on.  She stated she had tried to read the 1000+ page document but could not understand due to all the legal jargon.

A young woman bravely took the floor voicing that “not everyone in your district agrees with your ideas…what have you done to change healthcare?”  Conaway answered that he is working on the problems of illegal aliens’ abuse of the healthcare system; some people who are able to qualify for Medicaid and S-Chip, who simply do not sign up for these programs, but instead use the ERs for clinical services, which are a more expensive form of health care; and putting into place initiatives for healthcare (value added benefits), which reward workers with healthy lifestyles with lower premiums.

Dr. Gary Butka came with a few questions for Conaway and pointed out the fact that some publicized statistics are “twisted” data, not taking an apples to apples approach.  Society in the US needs to know how to decrease healthcare costs with preventative, prenatal care and etc.

Conaway stated that, “I am a Christian…I believe we should help those in need, but I don’t think it’s the role of the federal government to do this.  The churches, civic organizations, communities and families are able to better qualify people for these programs…

Another question came, “Are you and your colleagues outraged about this administration appointing ‘Tsars’?”.  Conaway responded that, “…these appointments should be bipartisan”.  He views these as an attempt by the Executive Branch to gain power through creating a “shadow government”.  “Emphasis on this came in August on a bipartisan level.  Can we in effect, drag these Tsars before Committee without them being able to claim, Executive Privilege“.  “We need to know how were these Tsars vetted, they should also go through a confirmation process.

Scott Peters expressed his disenchantment with the current administration with questions such as, “Where in the Constitution does it say we have the right to healthcare or … do not have the right to bear arms, and is it a good idea for soldiers to be responsible for insurance premiums, related to war injuries?”  Conaway responded to these questions and pointed out that the US Attorney General Eric holder is on record saying the 2nd Amendment doesn’t apply to individuals.  But that it is in the Constitution that we do have the right to bear arms.

Another question asked, “who wrote this bill”?  Conaway explained that points come from previous bills, the Speaker of the House’s office, special interest groups and etc.  Responsibilities for the ideas of each section is given to the Legislative Counsel who, “puts it into a language that you and I cannot understand”, said Connaway.  Members of Congress, Committee Chairmen and those who vote are responsible for passing these bills into law.

Another woman came forward asking, “Why haven’t we put the wheels into motion to impeach him (Obama)?…He’s not a proud American, and he doesn’t love our country”.  Conaway quickly responded that, “53% of Americans said in last year’s election, that they wanted a liberal, who is a good speaker…with a handsome face…to be President.  He has done nothing too deserve impeachment.  Let’s be careful about that.  During President Bush’s administration, his opponents also suggested this action be taken against him, which was not warranted”.

Conaway reminded the crowd that it is necessary to become involved.  If you don’t agree with the leaders that represent your district, write all your congressmen, the Speaker of the House.  You can even call people you know who live in other districts and ask them to call their congressmen.  Draft letters to the Editor in your local paper.  Let your voice be heard.  “Elections have consequences”, said the congressman. He also stated , “I’m accountable to everyone in my district.  I never lose sight that I’m your payroll…I work for you”.

Dr. Blinco in closing, after a brief question about the census, asked everyone to please know the Census is very important.  Everyone needs to fill out the form, as it affects Federal funding for our area, even our schools.  Conaway also stated that the results of the 2010 Census are expected to gain four additional members to the US Congress.

Guests were thanked by both Blinco and Connaway for coming and giving respect to one another’s differing opinions, unlike some Town Hall meetings around the country in the last several weeks.

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