BISDLogo2Trustees of the Brownwood ISD school board unanimously approved their 2011-2012 budget that decreased by more than 1% over last year, but still provides salary increases for employees and a property tax decrease.

The combined budget that was approved totaled $29,993,120 which included the maintenance and operations fund for $25,143,961, school nutrition fund for $1,803,000, and debt services fund for $3,046,159.  The board also approved the BISD property tax rate which includes $1.04 rate for maintenance and operations and $0.2539 for interest and sinking for a combine school property tax rate of $1.2939 per $100 valuation.

This was about a 2 cent drop over last year’s rate.  Deputy Superintendent Kevin Gabaree said that a combination of factors including increased property values and increased enrollment enabled the district to make the proposed budget and keep the tax rate down. 

BISD will also be starting the new school year with $4,343,868 in their fund balance which is up about 17%.   Gabaree said that the added money will be helpful looking forward to the next budget cycle.

“What that has done is prepare us for the difficult year that we are going to have next year,” Gabaree said.  “If we had to, we could use fund balance to make it through the year and not have to go to the public for a tax increase.”

The school anticipates receiving less state and federal funds due to cuts causing many districts including Brownwood ISD to tighten budgets for this school year.