
Sydney Roberts of Brownwood High School signed a letter of intent to play collegiate golf at the University of Central Oklahoma on Tuesday afternoon.  She was joined by family, friends and her coaches, Laura Martin and Don Hood.

Roberts plans to study kinesiology during her time at UCO and hopes to make the traveling team, become an All-American and hopefully win a national championship.  After graduation from UCO, she plans to attend physical therapy school.

She considered schools such as Angelo State University, Stephen F. Austin University and Northern Arizona and chose to play for the University of Central Oklahoma.

“I had a couple of schools looking at me but ultimately, UCO was my favorite, it’s close to home, and I really fell in love with the campus.  The coach and I really meshed well, we got along well,” explained Roberts.  “It’s a great golf program, they are very good, and I have lots of family close by.”

She has been on the BHS Varsity Golf Team all four years of high school and has competed at the state level twice and regionals three times and is a regional champion.

“I set goals for myself and I feel like I achieved most of them.  I still have one year to make it to state and hopefully win.  In regionals, I have been very successful and I got better every year,” said Roberts.  “My ultimate goal was to play in college and I have reached that as well.  I’m relieved to know where I am going to college.”

Of the journey developing her golf skills, Roberts stated, “It’s been a lot of fun.  It’s been stressful at times just not knowing what was ahead, the fact that I know where I am going and what my future looks like, is very relieving and a good accomplishment I think.” Roberts acknowledged the help of her coaches, Jimmy Tidwell, Jim Talbot, Coach Martin and her parents has made this day possible.

BHS Golf Coach Laura Martin stated that she was very proud of Roberts’ accomplishments in high school.

“I don’t know what you say about the best golfer that has ever come out of Brownwood High School, as far as female golfers. She has won almost every tournament that she has entered in, regionals for two straight years and finished 5th and 7th at state, I couldn’t be more proud of her,” said Martin.  “I’m so excited that she is signing and wow, I am looking forward to seeing what she will do in the future.”

Girls Head Coach Don Hood stated Roberts worked hard to hone her skills.

“One of the things that we talk about all the time is that if you want to be great, there is a price to pay.  I don’t know that anybody could document the number of hours practiced, steps taken, miles walked, gloves worn out, balls lost, balls found that she has put in,” said Hood.  “What she does is not just by the Grace of God.  She has some talent, but she has taken what God has given her and has developed it to a tremendously high level.  That takes some time by yourself, in all kinds of weather, all year round and it is a tremendous complement of who you are, what kind of person you are to achieve it.  We’re all very proud of you.”