Brownwood News – Central Texans have an opportunity to see one of the most popular musicals of all time this weekend.  Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “The Sound of Music” will be presented in the Dorothy Macintosh Fine Arts Center on the Brownwood High School campus.

The show is directed by BHS Choir Director Jennifer Reeves, assisted by Kristi Wied (Musical Director), Shannon Lee (Tech Director and costumes) and Brittany Martin (Tech Director and set design).

The semi-historical story centers on Maria Rainer, a nun postulant in an abbey in Salzburg, Austria in the 1930’s.  Maria has trouble fitting in with the lifestyle in the Abbey, and is sent to serve as a nanny to the seven children of widower Georg von Trapp.  Formerly a captain in the Austrian navy, von Trapp runs his household with military rigor.  Maria moves in and teaches the children to play, have fun, and most importantly, to sing.  Eventually Maria and Captain von Trapp fall in love and marry, then have to sneak the family out of Austria when the German Nazis take over.

     Reeves explained that she chose “The Sound of Music” because she felt the students needed to be exposed to an older show from the classic musical period.  Rodgers and Hammerstein shows were among the best, and she decided on “The Sound of Music” because it has the most parts with spoken lines.

Some of the most well-known songs in the show include:  “Do-Re-Mi”, “Climb Every Mountain”, “Sixteen Going on Seventeen”, “My Favorite Things”, “The Lonely Goatherd”, “Edelweiss”, and the title song “The Sound of Music.”

Total cast and crew numbers 61 students.  The crew members come from the BHS Theater Department.  Cast members come from the Theater and the Choir Departments, but the casting call was open to all BHS students, and some cast members have no previous experience in theater or choir.  But Reeves said some of the stage rookies have been delightful surprises.

     Maria is played by Carlee Richardson and Captain von Trapp is played by James Williams.  Other keys actors are:  Hannah Bessent (Mother Abbess), Emmagrace Quillan (Liesl), John Monson (Rolf), and Jordan Roberts (Baroness Schraeder).  The complete cast list is below.

The production crew from the Theater Department is a critical part of the show.  They work on sets, sound, lighting, etc.  BHS Senior Shelby Wilson is the Stage Manager, with Hunter Trowbridge serving as Assistant Stage Manager.  Lighting Technician is Cooper Green and Sound Technician is Joey Burcham.  Spotlight Technicians are Joshua Schwing and Lauren Fuller.  One feature is that the set crew has produced video projections for the background scenes, operated by Trina Wheeless.

When asked what has been the nicest surprise of the project, Reeves quickly said the high quality of the cast, including the fact that all parts were cast from Brownwood High School students.  Initially she thought she might have to find Middle School or Elementary School students to play the parts of the younger children, but was able to cast those parts to high school students, and they have done a great job.

Reeves issued a big Thank You to the Lyric Theatre for providing many of the costumes in the play.

     The auditions were held in late October, first rehearsals in early November.  So the cast, crew, and directors have been working on the show for three months. Show times are:  Friday, January 24 – 7:00 pm; Saturday, January 25 – 2:30 pm and 7:00 pm; and Sunday January 26 – 2:30 pm.  Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students.

Here is the website to order tickets:
The house will open earlier for those who purchase tickets online.  6:25 pm for evening show and 1:55 pm for matinee.
There is also an event page on Facebook.  It’s called Brownwood High School presents: The Sound of Music

A splendid time is guaranteed for all!

(In order of appearance)

Maria Rainer – Carlee Richardson
Mother Abbess – Hannah Bessent
Sister Berthe – Emily Haynes
Sister Margaretta – Alyssa Salazar
Sister Sophia – Alette Moya
Captain Georg von Trapp – James Williams
Franz – Michael Hill
Frau Schmidt – Kate Yantis
Liesl – Emmagrace Quillin
Friedrich – Jackson Tucker
Louisa – Isabel Clevenger
Kurt – Carson Hill
Brigitta – Berkeley Britton
Marta – Brooke Minchey
Gretl – Anwynne Klutts
Rolf – John Monson
Elsa Schraeder – Jordan Roberts
Ursula – Cierra Rodriguez
Max Detweiler – Alex Minchey
Herr Zeller – Parker Lowe
Baron Elberfeld – Jay Monson
Frau Zeller – Frank Braunsky
Baroness Elberfeld – Kathryn Camp
New Postulant – Cierra Rodriguez
Admiral von Schreiber – John Schwab

Nuns:  Aubrie Harris, Caitlyn Tucker, Kimberley Herrera, Claire Clayton, Krysta Airheart, Makari Norman, Brooklyn Arial, Jillian Lambert

Party guests: Paislee Burney, Kelly Jones, Gillian Sapp, Skylar Wells, Layne Kime & John Schwab

Festival Contestants: Michelle Grammar, Arriana Riley, Kelly Jones & Gillian Sapp


Stage Manager – Shelby Wilson
Assistant Stage Manager – Hunter Trowbridge
Sound Technician – Joey Burcham
Lighting Technician – Cooper Green
LED Lighting Technician – Lilly Lee
Spotlight Technicians – Joshua Schwing and Lauren Fuller
Projections Operator – Trina Wheeless
Backstage Crew – Kamille Jacobs, Magaly Cervantes, Bea Rodriguez, Parker Lowe, Layne Kime, David Kline, Isiah Stanke, John Schwab, Lilly Lee, Hannah Lee.

(Story by Mike Blagg)