SkeleToiletBrownwood High School HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) members will be hosting a unique fundraiser to help pay for their State and National Conventions.  Funds raised will also provide scholarships for students who cannot afford their $30 annual dues or purchase their scrubs for the practicum year.

The “Skele-Toilet” fundraiser will run from October 6th through November 1st.  During the fundraiser, a toilet with a glow-in-the-dark skeleton will be placed in yards around the area.  To have the toilet removed from your yard and sent to another home will cost $20.   HOSA also offers a chance to supporters to buy a place on the “No Skele-Toilet List” for $25, which will keep the toilet and skeleton from coming to their yard.

For more information or questions, please contact Mrs. Deen at 325-646-9549 ext. 2606 or 325-642-7817.